Attack Surface Management

Attack Surface Management

Hoplon’s specializes in securing digital assets through extensive attack surface management, actively protecting against threats to Web & Mobile apps, cloud devices, domains, email servers, IoT devices, and public code repositories. Our focus is to ensure the safety and integrity of your online presence.

How it Works

Identify and secure all areas that could be targeted in your Attack Surface

Eliminate Digital Risks

Identify internet-exposed assets before they act as unauthorized entry points for hackers.


Eliminate Blind Spots

Analyze thousands of posts using AI classifiers and advanced analysis models such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) to uncover leaked data and detect relevant attack discussions.


Detect and Respond

Determine the impact of data breaches or misconfigurations of your cloud storage.


Asset Discovery

By utilizing a centralized view, you can streamline your management of potential attack points, expedite your investigation of security incidents, enhance your vulnerability assessments, and effectively mitigate risk.


Vulnerability Management

Full context on vulnerabilities in valuable resources within an organization, with the goal of improving overall security.


Actionable Context

Gain a comprehensive understanding of your potential points of vulnerability by obtaining a current and historical view of all your internet-connected assets, both on-premises and in the cloud.


Application Security Scanning

Application Security Scanners are automated tools that scan web applications from the exterior to detect security vulnerabilities such as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection, Command Injection, Path Traversal, and insecure server configurations.


Code Repository Analysis

Hoplon leverages advanced scanning tools and AI-driven analysis to scrutinize code repositories, uncovering vulnerabilities and ensuring secure code practices.

Frequently Asked Questions about Attack Surface Management

Attack Surface Management (ASM) is vital in cybersecurity, focusing on identifying, monitoring, and managing potential vulnerabilities. It involves discovering an organization's digital assets—domains, subdomains, IP addresses, services, and web applications. ASM continuously evaluates these assets to find vulnerabilities and security gaps. By maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all assets, ASM helps organizations reduce cyber threats and improve their security framework.

According to Gartner, external attack surface management (EASM) includes methods, technologies, and services to identify online enterprise assets and their vulnerabilities. These may involve exposed servers, compromised credentials, cloud misconfigurations, deep and dark web disclosures, and third-party software weaknesses. EASM provides critical risk context and actionable insights through continuous monitoring of exposed assets and thorough analysis to prioritize risks. Thus, EASM is crucial for security teams and risk management professionals.

Hoplon Infosec focuses on External Attack Surface Management by assessing risk levels of current attack surfaces and identifying tailored mitigation strategies. Prioritizing high-risk zones minimizes the overall attack surface. The process includes identifying and classifying assets, mapping the attack surface, conducting risk analysis, and implementing mitigation strategies. Hoplon Infosec also offers advisories to enhance attack surface management initiatives.

Hoplon Infosec focuses on External Attack Surface Management by assessing risk levels of current attack surfaces and identifying tailored mitigation strategies. Prioritizing high-risk zones minimizes the overall attack surface. The process includes identifying and classifying assets, mapping the attack surface, conducting risk analysis, and implementing mitigation strategies. Hoplon Infosec also offers advisories to enhance attack surface management initiatives.

External Attack Surface Management (EASM) involves methods and technologies to identify internet-accessible enterprise assets and their vulnerabilities, such as exposed servers, compromised credentials, cloud misconfigurations, and disclosures from the deep web. Conversely, the internal attack surface includes all elements within an organization’s network used by employees.

Hoplon Infosec streamlines External Attack Surface Management with a platform that identifies and prioritizes vulnerabilities. Using machine learning and advanced analytics, it continuously monitors these surfaces to detect threats. The platform provides comprehensive reporting, enabling organizations to gain insights and implement corrective measures. It also offers guidance on patching, detailed reporting, and remediation options.

Hoplon Infosec helps organizations minimize their attack surface by identifying and prioritizing key assets, such as applications, data, and systems. It enhances visibility to pinpoint threats and vulnerabilities, monitoring and notifying users of suspicious activities. This clarity allows organizations to effectively allocate resources to address risks. Additionally, Hoplon Infosec provides real-time insights for constructing threat models and formulating tailored security strategies.

External Attack Surface Management is crucial for small enterprises. It helps identify and address online vulnerabilities, safeguarding customer information, corporate data, and intellectual property. This approach keeps businesses updated on cybersecurity trends and technologies while reducing security costs by prioritizing prevention over reaction. It also ensures compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Hoplon Infosec mitigates cyber risk by providing thorough risk assessments. Using an AI-powered platform, it identifies and ranks potential risks. It also offers practical insights and recommendations for mitigation, helping organizations swiftly address cyber threats and reduce the likelihood of security breaches.

  1. Asset identification and inventory management: Catalog all network-linked assets that could be cyberattack targets.

  2. Network protection: Implement robust security policies, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and access controls.

  3. Vulnerability evaluation: Assess assets to identify weaknesses and potential attack paths.

  4. Patch management: Deploy, update, and manage security patches for assets.

  5. Security surveillance: Monitor network activities for suspicious behavior.

  6. Incident management: Develop an incident response plan and conduct drills.

  7. Communication and education: Provide metrics to risk stakeholders and train users on security best practices.

  1. External Attack Surface Management proactively safeguards an organization’s external assets like websites, web applications, and cloud services. It involves identifying vulnerabilities through scanning, continuous monitoring for harmful activities, and promptly responding to threats. Threat intelligence, gathered from sources like hacker forums and the dark web, helps recognize and predict potential threats. Using this intelligence enhances understanding of attack surface management and allows organizations to take preemptive measures against potential issues before they escalate.

External Attack Surface Management improves security by identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities in externally accessible systems, like web applications. It includes scanning for vulnerabilities, assessing security measures, and performing penetration tests. This process helps prioritize risk mitigation by highlighting potential attack vectors, allowing effective resource allocation. It keeps organizations informed about emerging threats and trends, enhancing their defense against future attacks. Essentially, it democratizes red teaming by sharing critical information across the organization.

  1. Malware Attack Scenarios: Hoplon Infosec identifies exposed services, URLs, and configuration errors, helping detect vulnerabilities for malware access.

  2. Web Application Attack Scenarios: Hoplon Infosec spots websites at risk of attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

  3. Exposed Services: Hoplon Infosec detects exposed services, such as open ports and unpatched systems, vulnerable to exploitation.

  4. Data Breach Scenarios: Hoplon Infosec identifies data breaches, aiding in detecting data theft and credential leaks.

  5. Reputational Risk Scenarios: Hoplon Infosec evaluates DNS records for risks like brand misuse and phishing domains.

Hoplon Infosec assists organizations in fulfilling the requirements for red teaming and penetration testing to adhere to various standards, including PCI DSS, ISO 27001, OSFI, FISMA, and HIPAA. The company offers automated risk assessment and monitoring services that detect potential security vulnerabilities within the IT environment in real-time, enabling organizations to promptly assess the implications of any changes or newly adopted technologies. Additionally, Hoplon Infosec delivers audit trails and reporting functionalities to guarantee the identification and remediation of any potential weaknesses.

External Attack Surface Management works with endpoint security to detect, oversee, and safeguard exposed assets from threats. It includes identifying improper network configurations, vulnerability scanning, and remediating security gaps. Additionally, it simulates threats like phishing, malware infiltration, credential stuffing, and web application assaults to evaluate endpoint defenses before actual breaches occur.

  1. The count and severity of external vulnerabilities identified and addressed.
  2. The total number of external assets accurately identified and assigned.
  3. The quantity of unused or unmanaged domains removed.
  4. The number of unused or unmanaged IP addresses eliminated.
  5. The percentage decrease in "Shadow IT."
  6. The average time taken to resolve external threats.
  7. The number or percentage of external systems that are consistently updated.
  8. The ratio of time allocated to EASM tasks compared to more productive activities.
  9. The number of Asset Scans conducted on a quarterly or annual basis.
  10. The percentage variation in the external attack surface

We’re Here to Secure Your Hard Work

Protect your system from cyber attacks by utilizing our comprehensive range of services. Safeguard your data and network infrastructure with our advanced security measures, tailored to meet your specific needs. With our expertise and cutting-edge technology, you can rest assured that your system is fortified against any potential threats. Don’t leave your security to chance – trust our proven solutions to keep your system safe and secure.